Created by angela
The CARVOC video which has been produced thanks to the cooperation of all project partners and directed by Contactica S.L., has been
uploaded in YouTube.
This videoclip presents CARVOC project and its results. It is a good tool if people want to know more things about this project that
started last December 2012 and finished on May 2015.
You can watch this video in YouTube in the next link:
Created by angela
The conference was hold on May 26th 2015 because of the near end of the Project
Partners ENRIVOHEMP and CONTACTICA organized a Conference with the main purpose to present project CARVOC. It was celebrated in
Pamplona due to its relevance as business and academic center in northern Spain. The proximity of Pamplona to ENVIROHEMP’s location
was a good opportunity to establish contacts with potential partners.
The meeting had other aims. One of them was to agree for bilateral collaborations between project partners and industrial end user for
product validation. In addition, other purpose was to encourage research centers in using the H2020 platform to bring their R&D results
closer to the market.
CONTACTICA, in name of all project partners, presented the final project results of CARVOC.
Targets for this conference was thought in accordance with the profile of the SMEs involved and the general scope underlying the H2020
CEIN (European Centre for Innovation and Start-Up Companies in Navarra) gave support to the project partners in the organization of
this event.
The main result was the interest of some companies to work with different project partners. Therefore, the purpose of the event was
satisfied because partners achieved to attract interest from relevant agents (industrial, technological and academic).
Created by angela
The meeting took place last 25th February 2015
Project Coordination Committee (PCC) of CARVOC showed the progress up to now by videoconference. The partners commented all advances of
their work.
The Universidad de Alicante has already been submitted the deliverables associated to the task related to optimisation and
characterisation of activated carbon from hemp. In addition, this partner is supporting to Envirohemp and Contactica in other tasks.
Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Rennes are carrying out some absorption experiments to be included in the deliverable that
they are preparing.
MAST Carbon International Ltd has achieved the first objective of their work and they are going to do some tests.
Envirohemp is working in the design of the pilot plant that it will be ready on April. Their next step is carry out a test to prove
their work.
On the other hand, the partners talked about the actions for the next 3 months. Furthermore, they commented technical and justification
Finally, the partners discussed about other issues related with the funding from the European Commission. Likewise, Contactica should
send the documents to prepare the project justification. The place and date of the last project meeting will be decided soon.
The attendants to the CARVOC PCC Meeting were Contactica, Envirohemp, Universidad de Alicante, Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de
Rennes and MAST Carbon International Ltd.
Created by angela
The estimated date for the end of the project CARVOC was 30th November 2014. However, an extension of six months has been requested to
European Comission in order to comply successfully with project objectives and tasks.
This extension have been accepted during this autumn resulting a new date for the end of the project: 31st May 2015.
Project partners took the decision of requesting 6 months more of project life due to delays resulting from the changes of partners in
the consortium. In this way, partners will be able to accomplish with all tasks.
Created by angela
The event took place last July 11th 2014 in Spain
In month 18 of project life and one year after the last meeting in UK, CARVOC partners have been brought together under the facilities
of partner Universidad de Alicante in Spain to hold a Steering Committee (SC) and Project Coordination Committee (PCC).
The attending partners have been Koukoula, Contactica, Universidad de Alicante, École Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Rennes and
MAST Carbon.
The goal of this meeting was for everyone to catch up on the progress reached up to date by each partner, as well as to see what
actions should be covered next months.
Technical, financial and industrial issues were reviewed during the meeting. However, one important point which was discussed was the
need to change one of the project partners, Alhama Linares Desarrollo y Cultura, due to its disengagement in the project during the
last months. Besides, it was discussed to request to European Comission (EC) an extension on project life. All they argue to inform EC
about the decision. In this way, all partners could finished all planned tasks which have been delayed due to problems in providing raw
material (what had to be done by Alhama Linares) and other difficulties that are used to occur in this kind of projects.
Project partners explained that they are now working in WP2 (research and development of the activated carbon as filtering material),
WP3 (research on the most appropriate organic solvent gases and vapors with VOC to be purified), WP4 (to obtain different activated
carbon filters and a VOC recovery system) and WP5 (validation of the filters developed and study of future industrial integration).
Besides, it was reminded the need of undertaking dissemination actions until the end of the project.
Tasks and objectives to be reached during next three months were detailed in general lines.
Created by angela
The event took place last December 14th 2013
Kick-off meeting of the European CARVOC project of Research for the Benefit of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), a 1.5 Mll€
project supported by 1.1 Mll€ EC funds running from 2012 to 2014.
Today, CARVOC participants gathered at the offices of partner Contactica S.L. to hold the first meeting of this just started project
within the Seventh Framework Programme under grant agreement number 315250.
CARVOC project aims to reduce global air pollution and reducing air emissions of harmful volatile organic compounds emitted by
industries, producing activated carbon filters from hemp wastes. For this purpose and thanks to the multidisciplinary consortium of
research groups of excellence and SMEs companies, the following targets are expected to be reached for the application of project
Industrial processes: To purify gases in a wide range of industrial applications.
Personal and collective protection systems: To be used in the manufacture of gloves and gas masks for the military industry and the
personal protection of the civil population.
Air treatment systems: To control the atmospheric emission of VOC/TIC potentially harmful to the environment.
Medical industry: To use them within odour filters and masks.
Cigarette filters: To substitute coal and coconut shell carbons used in some of the most important cigarettes brands of the world
Paint booths: The developed filters will have high performances for the recovery of solvents and will be able to be used within
paint booths for the purification of organic solvents.
Canister for evaporation loss control: To be used as ELCD filters (Evaporated Loss Control Device). All vehicles sold in the EU are
equipped with filters containing AC.
The CARVOC project participants form an interdisciplinary consortium of Industries, Research and Technological Centres, and Academia
from different countries across Europe: Spain, France and United Kingdom.
In total, 7 beneficiary partners integrate the project consortium: Alhama Linares Desarrollo y Cultura S.L (project coordinator and
expert in cultivation and processing of industrial hemp), TC Plastic (plastic pipes and boilers manufacturing specialist, with emphasis
on Olfactive air pollution control); Koukoula (company with expertise in R&D, manufacturing and retailing of Personal Protective
Equipment); Contactica S.L (SME specialized in strategic consultancy in R&D innovation processes); Universidad de Alicante (expertise
in development of activated carbons from different precursors, full range of advanced characterization techniques for porous materials
and extensive knowledge on the applications of carbons in pollutant removal from gas and liquid streams); MAST Carbon (company devoted
to the development of nanoporous carbon with experience in advanced conformation of carbon materials) and École Nationale Supérieure
de Chimie de Rennes (expertise in environmental processes for air and water treatments, knowledge in molecular scale, chemical
mechanisms, pilot scale and experimental units for process intensifications and adsorption processes for the upgrade of biogases by
removing complex mixtures of detrimental VOCs).
In the meeting celebrated today in Madrid, work plan for next 24 months have been also discussed.
Created by angela
From today, 1st October 2013, project consortium is not the same as it was when project started. There have been two important changes
in the charges: CARVOC has a new project coordinator and one of the partners have been replaced.
The partner Alhama Linares Desarrollo y Cultura S.A. (Spanish SME) was in charge of activities related to the coordination of the
project, procurement of hemp wastes as raw material and activated carbon production from waste.
Alhama Linares Desarrollo y Cultura S.A. has decided to leave the project because it has no time to dedicate for project tasks what has
occasioned mentioned changes.
On the one hand, the new project coordinator is Contactica SL (Spanish SME) who was project partner. It is going to be in charge of
project coordination together with its previously designated tasks. Contactica SL has experience in project management.
On the other hand, Alhama Linares Desarrollo y Cultura S.A (Spanish SME) has been replaced by Envirohemp SL (Spanish SME) in the
consortium. Envirohemp SL has more technical capacity to undertake project tasks related to activated carbon production.
Created by angela
This event took place last June 11th 2013 in the United Kingdom
Six months after the kick-off meeting and the start of the project, today 11th June 2013, a CARVOC Steering Committee (SC) and Project
Coordination Committee (PCC) has been held at the facilities of partner MAST in Basingstoke (UK).
The attending partners have been Alhama Linares Desarrollo y Cultura , Koukoula, Contactica, Universidad de Alicante, École Nationale
Supérieure de Chimie de Rennes and MAST Carbon. Only partner TC Plastic could not assist.
The goal of this meeting was for everyone to catch up on the progress reached up to date by each partner, as well as to see what
actions should be covered in the following three months until the next meeting was held. First, the technical issues were reviewed,
following with industry, website and financial issues. Besides, all partners visit Mast facilities after lunch time.
Overall, RTD partners explained the tasks carried out by them in the project CARVOC up until present. On the one hand, Universidad de
Alicante (UA) and École Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Rennes (ENSCR) have been involved in tasks regarding WP1 (scientific
characterization and selection of hemp waste and VOCs). UA also has worked in WP2 (research and development of the activated carbon as
filtering material) and ENSCR in WP5 (validation of the filters developed and study of future industrial integration). On the other
hand, MAST has been working in two lines: commercial lignin and phenolic monoliths (lignin is similar to phenolic compounds) on which
several experiments have been carried out.
Project Manager Contactica used the occasion to present the project website officially and show all of its areas and possibilities.
Tasks and objectives to be reached during next three months were detailed in general lines.
Created by angela
This happened last March 3rd 2013
It has only been 3 months since project CARVOC started and relevant Spanish newspapers have already reflected the importance of R&D
activities in this field of science as happened last month in France.
Two of the newspapers with high circulation in Spain has published press releases about our project: El Mundo and ABC.
El Mundo, the third best-selling newspaper in Spain, reports the importance of studying activated carbon filters for reducing air
pollutants. In addition, it highlights the innovation in the raw material used in the project: the hemp as a sustainable crop. In the
article, project partners and work to be undertaken by them are mentioned. Overall, it notes the work of the Spanish ones.
You can read in this link:
ABC, the fourth best-selling newspaper in Spain, also reports these issues. You can read in this link:
Moreover, other journals praise researches that are going to be done at CARVOC. La Verdad de Alicante, reports the work of Project RTD
partner Universidad de Alicante in CARVOC because this newspaper is distributed in its city.
You can read in this link: and La Catedral Online also mention project CARVOC. You can read in these links:
All these news are published in Spanish media but due to national character of them, they have had a great reach in general citizens,
which is important to bring science and society closer; and make people conscious about environment and its problems.
Created by angela
This happened last February 7th 2013
Ouest France, one of the most important newspapers in France reports today about project CARVOC.
It reflects the importance of accomplishing with CARVOC objectives to get a best environment where live.
Ouest France, is proud to show French citizens the incorporation of a French partner in the consortium. They explain the work to be
undertaken by L’Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Rennes (ENSCR).
Completed article can be seen in this link:
Created by cristina
The Madrid City Council though its program -La Catedral Innova- to promote entrepreneurship, innovation, new technologies and R and D
has published the following press release about CARVOC project: